Suite Capilla (Chapelle)

This suite is located next to the forest and its isolated from the other rooms.

Staying in one of the historic hacienda suites is a most romantic and extravagant unforgettable experience. The colonial ambience and the surrounding rainforest add to this feeling.

Room name meaning:
Dans la foulée des conquistadors espagnols vint également aux Amériques le Christianisme. Moines et missionnaires ont construit un ample réseau d’églises et de chapelles. Elles ont servi de fondation à la conversion des indigènes animistes en Chrétiens dévots.

De Las Casas Suite.

Staying in one of the historic hacienda suites is a most romantic and extravagant unforgettable experience. The colonial ambience and the surrounding rainforest add to this feeling.

Room name meaning:

Bartolomé de las Casas (1484 – 1566), was a 16th Century Spanish Dominican priest. As a settler in the New World, he was galvanized by witnessing the abuses of the indigenous people by the Spanish colonists. In 1542, he was the promoter of the New Laws of Fray Bartolome de las Casas, a remarkable achievement to protect the rights of the indigenous.
He continued his work on behalf of the indigenous until his death in 1566. He is known as the “Apostle of the Indians.”
